Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cats aren't the only ones with 9 lives

This guy (Oreo)

and this guy (Bugsy)

are not friends.  Oreo lies in wait and paws at the Bugsy's cage on a daily basis.  He's patiently waiting.  Waiting for the moment that little one is no longer protected by his colorful little cage.  That moment, unfortunately, came on Saturday.

Somehow, a small area of tubing was knocked off the side of Bugsy's cage.  I think we know who the culprit was...he has BIG, STRONG paws!  Bugsy must have been a curious one and stumbled out of his cage right into the deep cavernous mouth of Oreo!  Oopsie daisy!

Carter just happened to find Oreo with the hamster in his mouth and needless to say, CHAOS ensued!  Instead of trying to get the hamster out of Oreo's mouth, Carter decided to check first which hamster it was ~ his or Austin's.  Brilliant Carter, brilliant!  He hollered at Austin, and Austin came running.  Austin realized it was his hamster and grabbed Oreo's jaws, prying little Bugsy out of a death grip.

Aaron came upstairs to see what all the ruckus was about and saw the critter laying on the bedroom floor with a sobbing Austin looking over him.  Aaron was sure he was a goner. There was a streak of blood, and Bugsy was gasping for breath.  Aaron gently stroked the little critter and told Austin that he didn't think he was going to make it.  That made Austin sob even harder. He told Austin they could go to the pet store and get another one if he wanted.

Just then, Bugsy slowly rolled onto his four tiny legs and wobbled a bit.  The three guys stared in amazement.  Aaron scooped him up and put him back in his cage.  A few minutes later, he was miraculously running on his hamster wheel and seems to be on the mend! Apparently cats aren't the only ones with nine lives.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks

 Austin and carter a cozy home  loyal friends
an amazing husband two sweet kitty cats love
my family our health good weather my career
humor great grandparents for my children babies
genuine co-workers children who get along faith in God
advanced medicine to treat cancer in friends
caring neighbors forgiveness memories made

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cyclone Nation!

Holy Moly!  That was a win for the ages!