Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day

Why is it that a mother, who has been so distracted with yucky work stress, can so easily forget that May 1st is that crazy day of running around delivering May baskets in hopes of not getting caught by the recipients but children NEVER forget?  Hmmm...I wonder. As soon as Carter woke up this morning he wondered where the May baskets were.

"Excuse me?  What May baskets?"

"You know, the one you were supposed to make and have ready for me right now!"

"Oh yeah, those May baskets."  So, off to the store I went.  $25 later with supplies in hand, baskets (term used loosely here) are made.

Both boys are completely excited running around the neighborhood, ringing doorbells and enjoying every moment of the chase that follows!  Carter just came in and said,  "This is the best May Day ever!" Needless to say, I see this being an all day event.  I'm sure we'll be hoping in the van soon to deliver to friends who aren't in the neighborhood.

These sweet little boys of mine had no idea the wonderful distraction that have created for me today! Their excitement of living in the moment and enjoying life (smiling, giggling, anticipation - the good kind) are exactly what I needed this morning!

Happy May Day!

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