Thursday, August 19, 2010

First day of school

Today was our first day of the 2010-2011 school year.  It's hard for me to believe I'm starting my 16th year of teaching.  None of it seems possible.  I swear I was just in college a couple of years ago, or maybe just married without kids, or just had a tiny baby, or at least just had two kids in daycare!  No way can I possibly have two kids in elementary school and have taught for that long.  Time is passing by way too fast!

Carter is in 3rd grade, and Austin is in 5th grade this year. I am in kindergarten, 7th grade and 8th grade.  Yes, you read that right.  Sounds funny in many ways, but especially kindergarten (talented and gifted) and ME in the afternoons!  I am piloting a program for identifying characteristics of gifted learners at the primary level. Long story that we'll shorten by saying...budget cuts.

However, I am a believer that a person needs to move beyond their comfort zone a little bit in order to learn and grow.  It's what I make the students in my classroom do.  I was pretty darn sure I had had enough of being outside my comfort zone the last couple of years. I guess God thought it was a good opportunity for me to practice what I preach :)  

I do have to clarify that I'm actually looking forward to putting that elementary degree to use for the first time.  I have spent my entire career with middle school students, which I truly love.  However, every now and then I briefly ponder switching to an elementary classroom.  Several years ago I even scheduled an interview for an elementary position and then came to my senses canceled the next day!  This will give me the opportunity to try something new and dabble in the elementary world for a couple hours a day.

Here's to a terrific school year!  The first day was great for all three of us...the rest of them might as well be too!     

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