Monday, November 15, 2010

Did you notice?

What did you spy with your little eye that was out of place?  Was it the fuzzy caterpillar crawling across my husband's lip?  I can't wait until December 1 when that caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly that flys away...far, far away!

However, the caterpillar across my hubby's lip is for a good cause, so I'll deal with it for a month.  How many of you know it's actually Movember?  Movember is a moustache growing charity event held during November each year to raise funds and awareness for men's health.  Since I'm living in a household of males, I can see the value in this.  An entire little posse of men at Aaron's work are participating in this charity event.  The had to start cleanly shaven on November 1st and let the "stache" sprout from there!

Feel free to check out Aaron's weekly progress here.  If you so desire, you can make a donation in support of men's health in Aaron's name.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get my comment up in time! :) Still a good looking family though!!!
