Thursday, January 5, 2012

Storm Heaven please

My friend, Arlyce, is in need of as many prayer warriors to storm Heaven for her starting now and continuing through tomorrow.  Her words from her caringbridge...

Fear. says fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc.  Why does this fear have such a hold on us? On me.  I have been struggling a lot with the fear of what is going to happen to me on Friday (tomorrow).  

You see, I will be going in and getting the herceptin treatment.  This is the drug that they believe that I am allergic to.  This is also the drug that I am supposed to be on until next August.  This is the drug that has allowed survival for her2 breast cancer patients.  This is the reason that I'm going to try to take again tomorrow.  

The side effects could be deadly.  At this point, the side effects that I have had from the drug are a burning and itching rash and a thickened tongue.  I am asking for prayers that there will be "no" side effects and that all praise and honor go to God who is the provider of all things.

I will start out in Bliss at 7:30 a.m..  I have radiation at 8:00 and then will see Dr. Prow.  We will discuss what drugs that they will front load me with to keep down the side effects.  Dave and I will be at the Bliss Center all day long.  That night we will have someone coming in to watch me while I sleep to make sure that I don't quit breathing or if my throat swells up.

So, now is the time to join together and pray.  I am asking that you pray for me from the moment that you receive this message  through tomorrow.  Please walk with me (not literally) and ask Christ to be by my side.

I ask you please to join me and so many others in lifting her up in prayer.