Monday, January 2, 2012

It's the little things

Mondays can sometimes be a drag.  It's the start of the work week and getting back into the grind. However, I'm choosing to look at Mondays with a more positive attitude this year.  During my book club's annual holiday book exchange, I received The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha.  This book focuses on the little things in life that make people happy. In the spirit of a positive attitude to start the week, let's focus on life's little moments that make us smile.  Each Monday I'll share with you one idea from Neil's book. They are short and sweet and should make you smile! Feel free to share your ideas in the comments section.

Little things that make us smile #1~
Popping Bubble Wrap

There's something quite enjoyable about popping bubble wrap no matter how old you are.  It's a satisfying stress reliever, a fun surprise, and a rare little moment for adults to act like a kid again.

Now, if I could just find some bubble wrap!

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