Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Confirmed in Christ

It's hard to believe that it was almost 14 years ago that Aaron and I were asked to be my cousin Mikaela's baptismal sponsors.  I clearly remember being on RAGBRAI with Aaron and another couple who are friends of ours and calling everyday to check in seeing if she had been born. Time truly has passed in the blink of an eye.  She is growing into a beautiful young lady with a solid head on her shoulders.  It was an honor to attend her confirmation this past weekend as she shared her faith in Jesus with those in the congregation.

Isn't she a cutie?

It's hard to believe there's only 10 months difference between her and Austin!

We definitely need make time to head to South Dakota to spend some more time with Mikaela and her family because before we know it, we'll be heading there for her high school graduation! YIKES!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Thank you for coming! It was such a fun weekend!
