Saturday, January 2, 2010


Ahhhh...decluttering and organizing feels so good! It's a great way to start the new year. I spent a huge chunk of my break doing just that. I started in the boys' bedrooms, which was an overwhelming task. However, I knew I needed several uninterrupted days to get it all done. I literally took EVERYTHING out of their rooms, shampooed carpets, sifted through all the little itty bitty toy pieces, thinned out the bookshelves and dresser drawers, got stuff ready to donate, acquired three completely full garbage bags to pitch, and rearranged. I sure was motivated when I started, but by the time I got to the second room, my motivation had dwindled greatly. So, after avoiding schoolwork all break, here's what I accomplished!


Now...with the impending snowstorm we are expecting, SCRAPBOOKING time :)

1 comment:

  1. Austin has good taste! :) Where did you get the Cy (is that a decal)? I love his room. And Carter's is okay too.... ;) Great job!
    SCRAPBOOKING time sounds great to me... only I wont be scrapbooking.But I'm really hoping you get some scrapbooking time tomorrow!!!
