Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Savoring the quiet

There is nothing more delightful than some unexpected quiet time at home without anyone else around. (THIS NEVER HAPPENS!) Miraculously it happened for me last night as Austin had basketball practice, Aaron was home and agreed to take him, and Carter begged to go along. What's a mother to say other than, "YES!" and secretly whisper, "Thank you! Now hurry up and get out of the house before someone changes their mind!"

I should have started grading the stack of 114 essays that my students just turned in. I should have done a load of laundry. I should have cleaned a bathroom or two. I should have completed SOMETHING off of my "to-do list"! However, I grabbed this book

that one of my students gave me last week insisting I read it. What kind of an English teacher would I be if I didn't read a book given to me by one of my students! Grabbing a cup of hot chocolate and a cozy blanket and simply reading for an hour and a half while everyone was gone was pure bliss! Now, if I could just arrange for Aaron to be in town early enough on the other basketball nights...


  1. I think we had this discussion yesterday... the papers and bathrooms will still be there tomorrow. :)
    I've heard good things about this book. Is she similar to Jodi Picoult's style?

  2. It was because of our terrific discussion yesterday that I actually took the time to enjoy the quiet and just read. AWESOME book! It truly is disturbing as it's told from the teenager's point of view! I don't want it end.
