Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sledding Fun

13+ inches of snow and two days off of school was just what the boys ordered! They were giddy with excitement and didn't give a hoot that snow was blowing and with the wind chill it was below zero. They headed out to explore their new white wonderland and found the most delightful surprise from the snow plow in our cul de sac - a pile of snow that was approximately 10 feet tall and plenty wide enough for several of the neighbor kids to play and sled down without any problems! It's their newest favorite place to hang out. They built in ramps and trails to the pile and are constantly organizing the neighbors to come out and play. Needless to say, it's cut down on the fighting from too much inside togetherness!

Aaron however wasn't quite as enamored with all the snow. There was no way he was able to make it to work in Des Moines, so he spent several hours bundled up like an Eskimo clearing snow with a snowblower. By the time he finished our driveway the first time and headed around our corner to do the sidewalk, you couldn't even tell he had done anything to the driveway. So, he held off until the winds died down and then completed our area and those of 4 different neighbors.
Snow days are always bittersweet for me - a love/hate relationship. I love the unexpected time at home to get things done, but detest the fact that it prolongs our school year into June. I'm in the swing of things now and want to keep plugging along, and by June I'm ready to be outside with the boys and hanging out at the pool! Oh well, I spent a good chunk of my time cooped up inside organizing my scrapbook room downstairs so I can actually scrapbook! I think Aaron was even pleased with my project, which literally required all that cooped up time. It had become the room to just toss things in when we didn't know where to put them or had company coming and needed a "hiding" spot! I am now very motivated to get back into the groove of preserving our family memories and getting back to a hobby that gets pushed aside to deal with "life"!

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