Friday, May 21, 2010

Hobby Fair

It's been a busy week for Carter with baseball, a field trip and his Hobby Fair at school today.  All of the second graders at his school have to pick a hobby they have and create a little display with artifacts, hand-drawn pictures and writing about their hobby.  Carter has been looking forward to this all year since he clearly remembers when Austin did this in second grade.
Can you tell what Carter's hobby is?

It's collecting UNI memorabilia of course! He was so excited packing up a ton of his UNI stuff from his room last night. Needless to say he completely filled a laundry basket to be hauled back and forth to school! I can guarantee you he was the ONLY second grader here in Cycloneland to have this as his hobby :)

Carter's always been our UNI fan! He told people that he got started collecting UNI memorabilia when Aaron first gave him a UNI coin bank.  He also talked about his Aunt Kelly and Uncle Nate who help him with his collection (thanks a million - even though you are Cylcones through and through).  They are the ones who grace him with great UNI gifts for Christmas and birthdays that have made his room what it is today!  He's so proud.

He even had a few UNI wall stickers to hand out that Uncle Nate had given to him.  He thought that was a pretty cool deal to be able to do that!  On top of it all, Papa and Grandma Di were able to come down and check out the Hobby Fair which he greatly appreciated.

Great job today Carter!  I am so proud of you!

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