Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What's it like?

Heidi's Talk to me Tuesday is resuming.  The inspiration for this topic "What's it like to live with your spouse" was provided by Kari's sister.  I could hardly resist letting you all in on what it's truly like to live with my hubby!

Ace's favorite phrases
"We just can't have nice things!"  We hear this time and time again when something breaks or gets dirty.  We have two boys, these things are bound to happen!

"Who's NOT downstairs?"  He detests when lights are left on in a location where no one happens to be.  It's usually the boys who have been hanging out downstairs and don't bother to turn the lights off.

"Who's been eating in my bed?"  He's a little like goldilocks, despite being follicly challenged.  The boys seem to like to hunker down in our bed and watch tv while munching on snacks.  It drives us both nuts, but he asks the question EVERYTIME like he has no clue who it might be.

"Socks!  I hate socks!"  One child of ours in particular has a bad habit of leaving his socks lay around the house.  You definitely know when Ace's has stumbled upon them!

"The library police will come and get us!"  Apparently my husband has a fear of unreturned library books.  I'm not sure if he suffered a terrible incident with a librarian when he was growing up, but the minute the boys and I come home with library books, he must know when they are due and continues to pester us daily until they are returned.

"No!"  Austin and Carter insisted that I write that one :)

Ace's personality

Ace is definitely FULL of personality.  He has a terrific sense of humor which is one of the reasons I fell in love with him.  His quick wit leaves me either laughing or shaking my head depending on what has just fallen out of his mouth.  You definitely have to be on your toes when he's around.

Trivial bits of information is his claim to fame. Ask him the most random thing, and he can probably tell you the answer.  I swear he can listen to a song once and know all the words.  When a song comes on the radio, he automatically shouts out the first word.  It drives me nuts because I can listen to a song a bazillion times and still not know the words.  

A story coming from Ace can take a L.O.N.G. time.  He definitely does not leave out any details.  Sometimes you lose the point of the story because it takes awhile to get there, but he's never at a loss for words!

Ace's hobbies
"Dinking" or "tinkering" is how I refer to his hobbies.  If it can be taken apart and examined and put back together somehow, that's right up his alley.  He used to take apart all sorts of things like radios and VCRs when he was younger.  It's my understanding that sometimes there were extra parts still laying around once things got put back together :)  However, it has paid off for me as he can fix and/or install almost anything around the house, saving us tons of money!  

As a dad

He's one of a kind and completely amazing!  The boys adore their dad and are blessed that he is so active in their lives.  He wouldn't dream of missing things they are involved in to pursue his own interests and always lets them know they are a priority.  He adds a little bit of spice to all of our lives!

We love our Ace! 


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