Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Going on life #3

Do you remember that this guy (Oreo)

and this guy (Bugsy)

are not friends?  If your memory is failing you, you might want to read this again.  

Hearing a familiar squeak, Aaron flew out of bed this morning hollering, "I think the cat has a hamster again!" It was once again necessary to rescue Bugsy from the jaws of Oreo.  How in the world this all came about while everyone was sleeping ~ especially the hamsters who are caged and sleep in the boys' bathroom with the door closed tight all night is beyond me.  Aaron's theory is that the cage wasn't put back together right and somehow the critter escaped, ran under the bathroom door and was running around the house when the great black and white hunter found him.

Let's just say that I wasn't around to witness the first experience, but was instructed this time to watch the "dead" hamster lay on the floor while Aaron took care of getting the cat away and locked out of our bedroom.  That little critter was dead I tell ya!  While I was watching him lay there with his legs to the sky and his mouth wide open I was trying to figure out if we were going to tell Austin the truth or if we should just put the dead hamster back in the cage and let it seem as if he'd passed on from natural causes.  In the midst of my pondering...not getting too darn close to the thing either...Aaron walked back into the bedroom and by golly, that little hamster flipped over and started running around!  In all my brilliance I yelled, "He's running!" after just having declared him dead a minute ago.  

My hero, Ace, came to the rescue attempting to catch the critter, as I can't even get too close to it, let alone touch it.  I decided watching from on top of our bed was the safest place for me!  Let's just say it was quite the sight and about a 10 minute experience to finally capture Bugsy who was running furiously around our bedroom probably looking for a place to hide.  It finally ran into our bathroom where Aaron eventually caught him.  However, while he was shut in the bathroom with Ace, I could hear Aaron tell Bugsy, "You're going to have a heart attack!"  I was of course laughing the entire time from atop my perch as my dear husband was attempting to capture the fast little critter.  

Thankfully he caught him, got him safely in his cage again and fed Oreo his real cat food this morning all before 6:15 am!  Ugh...I sure could have used another hour or so of sleep, but I guess early morning entertainment like that doesn't come around too frequently!  So, Bugsy starts out today on life #3.  I wonder how many more he might potentially have left in him? 

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