Monday, June 14, 2010


I love my boys with all my heart. They make me giggle, smile, swell with pride, worry, fret, cry and feel every other emotion under the sun!  The positive emotions are great, but they're not the only ones that accompany this title of "mom" that I love. I hate it when one of my little guys hopes and dreams are dashed, and I feel my protective "mama bear" instincts kick in. I realize that's life and truly don't want my children to think life is perfect and be overly protected because someday they'll realize life is not fair.  At least in little doses along the way, you learn life lessons. However, as a mama I don't have to like it one iota! Unfortunately, one of those heartbreaking/life lesson moments occurred last night.  What's a mother to do when her son's heart has been broken (not by a girl yet - thank goodness) and she has to take on the role of cardiologist?

Here was the "Clayberg Cardiologist" recipe for heartbreak healing last night...

1 Casey's cheese pizza (son's fave)
1 pop of choice (at 8:30 pm at night - needless to say - caffeine filled...ugh)
1 crackling fire in the fire pit (which dad insisted couldn't be done because all the wood was wet from all the rain until heartbroken son reminded him of dry wood in the garage!)
1 brother letting the heartbroken brother have choice of seat in the van
oodles of mama kisses, hugs, and reassurances
dashes of dad wisdom
1 little brother trying to understand wisdom imparted from parents and add his 2 cents in
a pinch of dad humor
1 hour of extra staying up to play Wii and talk with little brother
1 mama lovin' at midnight when heart was still broken and he couldn't sleep

I'm not sure how well the recipe worked, but today is a new day and at least the tears weren't flowing this morning.  I'm not an officially licensed cardiologist, but my diagnosis is the heart is still wounded, but on the mend.  Just say some prayers for no setbacks!


  1. Awww. I was thinking about him last night. Didn't mama's delicious cookies find their way into the equation? They found their way into my breakfast menu today. :)

  2. Not that this will help, but my kids are now trained to say "If life were fair, Mom would be thin and rich!" Poor, buddy!
