Monday, February 6, 2012

It's the little things

Little things that make us smile #6~
A snow day  

I know those of you who aren't educators don't have the same appreciation for these days, but there's nothing better in the dead of winter than a snow day to grant a little reprieve from the daily grind :)

According to Mr. Pasricha in The Book of Awesome, there are three types of snow days.  The pre-planned snow day.  Your town gets hit by an ice storm and four feet of heavy packing snow.  It's going to take a couple of days to dig out, so somebody makes the call to cancel school in advance.  This is definitely a good snow day, but it zaps out all the anticipation.  

The high-probability snow day.  This is where it's snowing hard and heavy the night before.  There are reports of black ice and cars in the ditch.  People hunker down with hot chocolate and are glued to the tv for updates.  You're almost positive it's going to happen, so you go to sleep getting all excited for that early morning phone call (or text these days) telling you school is cancelled.  The night before is almost as fun as the snow day because you are planning what you are going to do at HOME and not work the next day!  

The surprise snow day. This here's the Mighty King of Snow Days.  This is where nobody expects a thing the night before.  Suddenly the next morning, you are gleefully surprised with that early morning phone call (or text) and you get to go back to sleep dreaming about how lazy you are going to be all day long!

Now that February is here, bring on a glorious snow day baby :)  I could use one!

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