Monday, February 27, 2012

It's the little things

Little things that make us smile #9~

Watching your odometer click over a major milestone

I swear this is one of Ace's favorite things ever.  Sometimes I get a call just to let me know what "magic" number his car, Brownie, just hit.  Now Brownie is quite elderly, a year older than Carter in fact.  We believe in driving our vehicles until they die...literally.  Brownie's closing in on 200,000, so each milestone on the odometer is a pretty big deal I guess.

Apparently he just hit a big one this morning on the way to work :)


  1. I'm with ACE on this one! However, I also like when the odometer shows a Palendrome (a number read the same forwards as backwards--like 20502). Yeah, I'm a numbers dork! Haha!
